


react + redux 程序, 在没有遇到 saga 之前, 只能在 component 的生命周期中使用 异步请求 + dispatch(action) 的方式进行状态变化, 这样网络请求可能会让 component 逻辑更加混乱并且引发不必要的冲突. 最理想的状态就是 MVC, M就是数据, VC是控件本身的 div + 生命周期, 控件只负责渲染样式, state 或者 props 改变继续响应改变的样式. 所以 saga 就是解决这件事情的.

redux-saga 是 redux 的中间件, 中间件可以捕获 action, 决定是否响应. 所以, 网络请求前只需要发送一个 action, 被 saga 捕获, saga 决定使用 Api 来请求数据, 这时候挂起了一个网络请求的 task, 当请求结束, 再将请求成功的结果 dispatch 到 store, 或者将请求失败的通知 dispatch 给 store.

所以 saga 可以解决异步的一系列痛点, 比如登录登出同时token的缓存的存储与销毁.

How it works

Sagas are implemented as Generator functions that yield objects to the redux-saga middleware. The yielded objects are a kind of instruction to be interpreted by the middleware. When a Promise is yielded to the middleware, the middleware will suspend the Saga until the Promise completes.

saga 使用 es6 的generator函数来运行, yield 的简单用法可以在网上查到, 这里多说一点在 saga 中常用的方法, yield asyncFunction:

function* fetchUser() {
  const user = yield apiCall()

const apiCall = () => new Promise(resolve =>
    { name: 'faichou', dob: 1994 }

const gen = fetchUser()

gen.next().value.then(r => console.log(r)) // print user after 2 seconds
gen.next() // print undefined

常见的 saga 用法是 yield 后面跟一个动作, 这个动作如果返回一个异步函数, 那么 saga 就会挂载起来, 一直等到异步函数 resolve.

saga 是如何工作的呢? 首先 saga 会判断 value 是否为 promise, 如果是, 那么等到 resolve, 将值再返回 next(val), 如果不是, 那么将表达式的值直接 next(val):

const valUnknown = gen.next().value
let val = null
if (valUnknown instanceof Promise) { // or typeof valUnkown.then === 'function'
  valUnknown.then(r => {
    val = r
  }).catch(err => {
} else {
  val = valUnknown

Effects are simple JavaScript objects which contain instructions to be fulfilled by the middleware. When a middleware retrieves an Effect yielded by a Saga, the Saga is paused until the Effect is fulfilled.

除了返回异步函数, 还可以返回 saga 自带的一些 effect, 比如 put, call 等等. effect 是 saga 中的封装好的 object, 它可以给 saga 指示, 比如 put 指示 saga 给 store 发一个通知 : dispatch({ type: 'WHATEVER' }), call 指示 saga 调用一个函数.

put({type: 'INCREMENT'}) // => { PUT: {type: 'INCREMENT'} }
call(delay, 1000)        // => { CALL: {fn: delay, args: [1000]} }

An Effect is simply an object that contains some information to be interpreted by the middleware. 

effect 是包含一些指令信息的数据集, 它可以被 saga 解释执行.


function* rootSaga() {
  yield all([
function* rootSaga() {
  yield takeEvery('FETCH_UESRS', fetchUsers);
  yield takeEvery('CREATE_USER', createUser);
const [users, repos] = yield all([
  call(fetch, '/users'),
  call(fetch, '/repos'),


function* loginFlow() {
  while (true) {
    const { user, password } = yield take('LOGIN_REQUEST');
    // fork return a Task object
    const task = yield fork(authorize, user, password);
    const action = yield take(['LOGOUT', 'LOGIN_ERROR']);
    if (action.type === 'LOGOUT')
      yield cancel(task);

    yield call(Api.clearItem, 'token');
function* watchStartBackgroudnTask() {
  while (true) {
    yield take('START_BACKGROUND_TASK');
    yield race({
      task: call(backgroundTask),
      cancel: take('CANCEL_TASK'),


takeEvery 和 takeLatest 都是对 take 的封装:

const takeEvery = (pattern, saga, ...args) => fork(function* () {
  while (true) {
    const action = yield take(pattern);
    yield fork(saga, ...args.concat(action));

const takeLatest = (pattern, saga, ...args) => fork(function* () {
  let lastTask;
  while (true) {
    const action = yield take(pattern);
    if (lastTask) {
      yield cancel(lastTask);
    lastTask = yield fork(saga, ...args.concat(action));



effect 是包含一些指令信息的数据集, 它可以被 saga 解释执行.


A task is like a process running in background.

task 是后台执行的一条小线程, like a daemon. 可以使用 fork 创建 task. 一般的应用程序会有多个 task 并行执行.

Blocking/Non-blocking call

阻塞是会让 saga 暂停, 通常是一个异步操作. 非阻塞不会让 saga 停住, yield 执行完立马执行下一条.

yield take(ACTION); // blocking
yield call(ApiFn, ...args);; // blocking

yield put(...) // non-blocking
const task = yield fork(otherSaga, ...args); // non-blocking
yield cancel(task) // non-blocking


观察者: 监听某一 action 到达后, fork 一条动作执行. 执行者: 被观察者操纵执行.

function* watcher() {
  while (true) {
    const action = yield take(ACTION);
    yield fork(worker, action.payload);

function* worker(action) {
 // do some staff



  • createSagaMiddleware
  • sagaMiddleware.run

初始化 saga 的入口:

import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';

export default function configureStore(initialState) {
  const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
  return {
      applyMiddleware(/* other middleware, */sagaMiddleware),
    runSaga: sagaMiddleware.run,

// main.js
const store = configureStore()


  • takeEvery
  • takeLatest
  • throttle

takeEvery 和 takeLatest 在上面已经见识到了.

throttle 和 debounce 是很有趣的工具, throttle 是用做节流, 比如请求接口来弹出预选提示, 每次 input 改变就去请求接口会太浪费, 所以加一个节流时间, 保证在这节流时间内只调用一次, 每几秒执行一次. 而 debounce 是用做防抖, 一个按钮用户手抖连续点击了多次, 加上 debounce 会让点击事件只取最后一次点击.

import { call, put, throttle } from `redux-saga/effects`

function* fetchAutocomplete(action) {
  const autocompleteProposals = yield call(
  yield put({
    proposals: autocompleteProposals,

function* throttleAutocomplete() {
  yield throttle(1000, 'FETCH_AUTOCOMPLETE', fetchAutocomplete)

Effect creators

  • Each function below returns a plain JavaScript object and does not perform any execution.
  • The execution is performed by the middleware during the Iteration process described above.
  • The middleware examines each Effect description and performs the appropriate action.
  • take

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to wait for a specified action on the Store. The Generator is suspended until an action that matches pattern is dispatched.

returns same action

take('*') // wait for all actions
take(action => action.entities) // match action having a entities field
take('INCREMENT') // match INCREMENT action
take(['INCREMENT', 'DECREMENT']) // match actions in array
  • put

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to dispatch an action to the Store.

  • call

returns a Task object.

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to call the function fn with args as arguments.

  • fork

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to perform a non-blocking call on fn

fork, like call, can be used to invoke both normal and Generator functions. But, the calls are non-blocking, the middleware doesn’t suspend the Generator while waiting for the result of fn. Instead as soon as fn is invoked, the Generator resumes immediately.

  • cancel

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to cancel previously forked tasks.

  • select

Creates an effect that instructs the middleware to invoke the provided selector on the current Store’s state (i.e. returns the result of selector(getState(), ...args)).

const name = yield select(state => state.user.name);


  • race

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to run a Race between multiple Effects (this is similar to how Promise.race([…]) behaves).

function* fetchUsersSaga {
  const { response, cancel } = yield race({
    response: call(fetchUsers),
    cancel: take(CANCEL_FETCH)
  • all

Creates an Effect description that instructs the middleware to run multiple Effects in parallel and wait for all of them to complete. It’s quite the corresponding API to standard Promise#all.

function* mySaga() {
  const [customers, products] = yield all([

function* mySaga() {
  const { customers, products } = yield all({
    customers: call(fetchCustomers),
    products: call(fetchProducts)
  • delay

Returns a Promise that will resolve after ms milliseconds with val.

const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms))


Name Blocking
takeEvery No
takeLatest No
throttle No
take Yes
put No
call Yes
apply Yes
fork No
cancel No
select No
all Yes if there is a blocking effect

