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FaiChou's blog

useState & useEffect

/ 6 min read

发现了一个对 React + useState + useHooks简单实现:

let React = (function() {
let global = {}; // define a global variable where we store information about the component
let index = 0; // index to keep track of the component's state
function render(Component) {
global.Component = Component;
const instance = Component(); // get the instance of the component
index = 0;
instance.render(); // call the component's render function
global.instance = instance; // store the component's instance for any future calls of the component's functions
return global; // return the global variable
function useState(initialState) {
if (!global) {
throw new Error("Need a global");
if (!global.hooks) {
global.hooks = []; // this array holds the state of the component
const hooks = global.hooks;
const currentState = global.hooks[index] || initialState;
hooks[index] = currentState; // memoize the state for future access
firstrender = true;
const setState = (function() {
let currentIndex = index; // copy the index so each useState call will have it's own "closed" value over index (currentIndex)
return function(value) {
global.hooks[currentIndex] = value;
render(global.Component); //re-render the component after state change
index = index + 1;
return [currentState, setState];
function useEffect(cb, deps) {
const hooks = global.hooks;
// getting older dependencies from the hooks array since
// we are storing dependencies as a sub-array inside the hooks array
let oldDeps = hooks[index];
// if no dependencies are provided,
// the callback function will be called at each re-render
let hasChanged = true;
if (oldDeps) {
// checking if the old dependencies are different from older dependencies
hasChanged = deps.some((d, index) => !, oldDeps[index]));
if (hasChanged) cb(); // if dependencies has changed call the callback function.
hooks[index] = deps; //store dependencies inside the hooks array as a sub-array
index++; // increment index for any other useEffect calls
return { render, useState, useEffect };
function Component() {
// Component is called at each re-render. index is reset to 0.
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
const [word, setWord] = React.useState("");
const countSetter = () => { setCount(count + 1) };
const wordSetter = word => { setWord(word); };
function render() {
console.log(`Count is: ${count}, Word is: ${word}`);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [count, word]);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return { render, countSetter, wordSetter };
const global = React.render(Component);

首先使用 IIFE 来持有两个变量 globalindex; 还有三个方法 render, useStateuseEffect.

index 的作用是记录当前的 hooks 数组下标. 当使用 useState 或者 useEffect 时候进行移位.

render 方法中, 需要将 index 重置为 0, 不管是第一次 render 还是状态变化导致的 rerender.

useState 里面初始化了 hooks 数组, 当第一次 render, 会将初始的 state 存放到 hooks 数组内, 然后 index++. 如果是 rerender, 则取出 hooks 内的数据(缓存).

有趣的是 setState 方法, 它使用 IIFE 来记录了当前 state 所在 hooks 的下标 index, 然后是对 hooks 之前的旧变量进行覆盖, 最后再调用 render 方法进行 rerender.

useEffect 也是比较有趣, 它也是利用的 hooks 数组, 当第一次调用, 也就是第一次 render 时候, hooks 当前 index 数据为空, 所以第一次 render 必定会执行回调函数. 然后将 deps 存入到 hooks[index], 这样不管是哪次 render 都是记录了上一次的数据. 当 deps 是个空数组时, if 内的 some 永远是 false, 所以就达成了: 空数组代表着 componentDidMount. 当首次 render时, 要进行判断:

hasChanged = deps.some((d, index) => !, oldDeps[index]))

传入的 deps 的每个元素, 是否在 oldDeps 下有变化, 如果有变化, 则需要执行回调.

useEffect 使用了 hooks 而且可以多次调用 useEffect 所以到最后也需要将 index++.

这样, 不管是第一次 render 还是第 n 次 render, 都是顺序使用的 index, hooks 都不会乱, 正式因为这个原因:

Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions.


  1. 只能 render 一个 Component, 因为此实现里的 React 只有一个 globalindex, 如果存在多个 Component, 则共用同一份数据, 则会出错.
  2. deps.some((d, index) => !, oldDeps[index])) 这样写, 逻辑比较混乱.
  3. BUG: 当 Component 不使用 useState 而使用 useEffect, 或者 useEffectuseState 前使用, 则 hooks 不会被初始化而报错.
  4. useEffect 并不是每次 render 后执行回调, 而是立即调用.

自己实现了一个简易的 useState

let state = [];
let index = 0;
let global = {};
function createSetter(index) {
return function(newVal) {
state[index] = newVal;
// TODO: re-render
function useState(initVal) {
const value = state[index] || initVal;
state[index] = value;
const setter = createSetter(index);
return [value, setter];
function Component1() {
const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState("Fai");
const [lastName, setLastName] = useState("Chou");
return {
function render(Component) {
var componentSetters = Component();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(componentSetters)) {
global[key] = value;
function APP() {
index = 0; // reset
console.log(state); // []
console.log(state); // First-render: ['Fai', 'Chou']
console.log(state); // Subsequent-render: ['Fai', 'Chou']
console.log(state); // After: ['Hui', 'Chou']