Swift Package Manager
Swift 包组织了一组可重用的 Swift, OC, C 代码。普通的 Swift 项目中,代码的默认访问权限是 internal,但项目中的所有代码都是可以被访问的。如果开发一个库,那么就需要将一组代码组织成一个包。
import PackageDescription
let package = Package( name: "MyLibrary", platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_14), .iOS(.v13), .tvOS(.v13) ], products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: "MyLibrary", targets: ["MyLibrary", "SomeRemoteBinaryPackage", "SomeLocalBinaryPackage"]) ], dependencies: [ // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on. ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on. .target( name: "MyLibrary", exclude: ["instructions.md"], resources: [ .process("text.txt"), .process("example.png"), .copy("settings.plist") ] ), .binaryTarget( name: "SomeRemoteBinaryPackage", url: "https://url/to/some/remote/binary/package.zip", checksum: "The checksum of the XCFramework inside the ZIP archive." ), .binaryTarget( name: "SomeLocalBinaryPackage", path: "path/to/some.xcframework" ) .testTarget( name: "MyLibraryTests", dependencies: ["MyLibrary"]), ])
在上面的 Package.swift 文件中,name
是包的名称,这个名称用的比较少,会出现在 Xcode 中,或者别人指定依赖的时候可以这样指定 .package(name: "LibraryName", url: "...", from: "1.0.0")
, 但依赖的 name 是可以忽略的。
定义了包的产物,一个包可以有多个产物,这个产物是别人可以 import 的对象。比如项目中指定了依赖:
dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-atomics.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.0")),],
在 targets 中使用这个依赖:
.target( name: "AMSMB2", dependencies: [ "AMSMB", .product(name: "Atomics", package: "swift-atomics"), ], path: "AMSMB2Tests")
其中 package: "swift-atomics"
是依赖的名称,name: "Atomics"
是这个依赖对应产物名称,可以在 swift-atomics 的 Package.swift 中看到:
let package = Package( name: "swift-atomics", products: [ .library( name: "Atomics", targets: ["Atomics"]), ], /// ...)
targets 是包的构建目标,普通的 target 会组织一组代码,默认在 Sources/<targetName>
下的代码都会被添加到这个 target 中,或者是用 path 指定一个目录,这里指定的目录是相对包的根目录。另外还有 binaryTarget 和 testTarget,binaryTarget 必须包含一个 url 或者 path,它用于指定一个二进制包;testTarget 用于指定一个测试目标,它依赖于其他 target。
Swift Testing
新款的 Swift 测试框架,直接 import Testing
就可以使用。在 func 前面加上 @Test
就可以测试这个函数。需要使用 @testable import XXX
来引入需要测试的包。在测试函数内直接使用 #except()

import Testing@testable import IntraPaste
@Test(.disabled("Due to that .iso8601 not support fractional seconds in the date string."), .bug("https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50847139/error-decoding-date-with-swift", "Error Decoding Date with Swift"))func testJsonParse() throws { let jsonData = """ [{"id":7,"content":"Hello","createdAt":"2025-01-08T04:02:43.760Z","expiresAt":"2025-01-08T05:02:43.759Z"},{"id":6,"content":"22","createdAt":"2025-01-08T04:02:37.086Z","expiresAt":"2025-01-08T05:02:37.084Z"}] """.data(using: .utf8)! let decoder = JSONDecoder() decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601 let cards = try decoder.decode([Card].self, from: jsonData) #expect(cards.count == 2)}
使用 try #require()
进行测试,如果测试失败,则后面的测试不会执行。也就是括号内是 false 或者 nil 的时候,后面的测试不会执行。
try #require(session.isValid)session.invalidate() // not executed if session.isValid is false
let method = try #require(paymentMethods.first) // will unwrap the optional#except(method.isDefault) // not executed if paymentMethods is empty
我们可以使用 struct 将多个函数组合起来,这样 struct 左边就可以直接点击测试所有函数了。
import Testing@testable import MyVideo
struct MyTests { let video = Video(fileName: "video.mp4") @Test func test1() { let expectedMetadata = Metadata(duration: .seconds(10)) #expect(video.metadata == expectedMetadata) } @Test func test2() { #expect(video.contentRating == "G") }}
参数可以通过 @Test(argumetns:)
@Test("Number of menthioned continents", arguments: [ "A beach", "By the lake", "Camping in the woods"])func mentionedContinentCounts(videoName: String) async throws { let videoLibrary = try await VideoLibrary() let video = try #require(videoLibrary.video(named: videoName)) #expect(!video.mentionedContinents.isEmpty) #expect(video.mentionedContinents.count <= 3)}
testMentionedContinentCounts(videoName: "A beach")
testMentionedContinentCounts(videoName: "By the lake")
testMentionedContinentCounts(videoName: "Camping in the woods")
这样通过参数化测试,比使用 for…in loop 测试更简介,而且每一个测试是独立的,比较容易调试。并且它们是并发测试。
Swift Testing 比之前的 XCTest 更简单,XCTest 有很多不同的 XCAssert 方法,而 Swift Testing 只需要 #expect
即可。Swift Testing 不需要使用 test 前缀来命名测试函数。